Recent Obsessions: Winter Edition
Yes, this is winter wear in Texas! lol
I love trying new things and am always experimenting with/learning something so I'm thinking this "Recent Obsessions" will be a recurring post for the blog. This time of year is a great time to kick it off because I've been doing lots of shopping and switching up my routine due to the holiday season and changing weather which means new discoveries and routines to share with y'all! Keep reading to see what I'm loving lately...
*Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means that if you click on a product link, I may receive compensation. This compensation comes at no additional cost to you, and as always I only recommend products I trust!
Oil Cleansing
I've been changing up my skincare routine in attempt to clear my skin using gentle non-toxic products. I started breaking out a ton this summer, so I did some research trying to figure out where I might be going wrong with my products or routine. I came across Healthy Skin Glows, a skincare blog written by a scientist, and learned a ton about the importance of using oils for acne prone skin and how to properly oil cleanse. I'd tried oil cleansing in the past but wasn't crazy about it so I stopped, but after reading up on Healthy Skin Glows I decided to give it another try. (I won't go into great detail on this post but check out her blog for more info on both.) After experimenting with a few things I came across this organic oil cleanser from Juice Beauty and I LOVE it. Protecting and hydrating the skin is especially important during the cooler seasons, even for oily skin like mine. Since using it I've noticed my skin is clearer and more supple. It cleanses without stripping my skin like some foamy cleansers which actually creates MORE oil, and is great for taking off my makeup. Plain grapeseed oil and jojoba oil are great options too if you're not ready to splurge before testing the waters!
Matcha Lattes
In my last post I shared healthy coffee alternatives and this recipe from Nutrition Stripped I've been loving was on the list. I actually experimented with matcha years ago after being exposed to it by a holistic esthetician of all people. She used it in a face mask (green and white tea are actually great for the skin!) which peaked my curiosity. I tried steeping some matcha at home and couldn't get the hang of it. (Now thanks to food bloggers I know my water was too hot and I was using too much matcha powder. Ha!) Anyway now that I actually know how to prepare matcha properly I've been drinking way more of it. I love the taste, anti-oxidant benefits, plus having a little caffeine boost minus the crash. You can definitely get creative with it and mix in healthy additives, but I actually prefer it plain with just almond milk and a little honey.
Essential Oil Nebulizers
Aromatically is probably the most well- known way to use oils, and having a great diffuser is a must-have for that purpose. I have a couple diffusers for home and office, but I don't have a nebulizer yet and it has been on my list for a while now. It doesn't use water and through scientific methods I don't 100% understand (or care to) it's able to distribute the oil particles through the air allowing them to fill the room. I love this because something about the holidays always makes me want to light scented candles, but they are not the healthiest due to the fact most candles contain toxic ingredients that actually pollute the air. Lighting beeswax candles for ambiance (they are actually purifying and non-toxic) and turning on the nebulizer to fill the room with cozy holiday- inspired scents make for a healthy alternative. I have my eye on this one I found on amazon.
Qi Gong
I'm terrible at staying consistent with my meditation practice so I started taking a Qi Gong and meditation class at a local studio here in Houston recently in attempt to keep myself accountable. I'm only a few weeks in and you guessed it...I'm obsessed! As described by the studio I attend Qi Gong is "an ancient Chinese system of energy cultivation. It can be described as a moving meditation that syncs breath with continuous, flowing movements." It's meant to help you cultivate and balance your "Qi" or life force energy. I always have the best meditation sessions after the Qi Gong we do in class and over all feel really focused. My plan is to continue going and put what I learn into practice not only during my classes but to slowly start incorporating more Qi Gong into my daily routine.